Make your flag matter.
A well designed flag can be a powerful symbol of unity and pride for any city, state or nation. Going far beyond the flagpole, a good flag should just as well on patches, stickers, icons, apps and more. Having a sub-par design allows for other symbols to rise up and fill the void left by a poor flag. Many cities around the US are rethinking their old designs to create new, modern flags that their citizens are proud to fly.
Use the contact form below if you are in need a flag expert to oversee, judge or consult in a flag redesign process.
A good flag design process first compiles the relevant symbols, colors, and imagery that will eventually land on the flag. A public call for ideas is a great way to see what the citizens feel are their main symbols.
Similar designs can be combined revealing a few major themes. From there, stakeholders need to prioritize which colors, symbols or icons need to move forward. The initial group should be winnowed down to five or less.
Debate is had on the merits, pros and cons of each design Final combinations and eliminations should reveal a clear winner and one everyone can be proud of.